

Thursday, 18 June 2015

Kanye West furious against Drake for inviting amber at his party

Canadian rapper Drake threw a party over the week end in his big L.A mansion and invited some of his closest friend to welcome summer. The celebrity-filled party was attended by Kanye west and…Amber rose, sources say that hardly had he spotted her, Yeezy fled. According to VH1, Kanye is still pissed at Drake for that shady manoeuvre. And as a matter a fact, he clearly thinks that drizzy did it on purpose to set him up. For the record, Amber and Kanye’s wife can’t stomach each other, for the simple reason that Kanye cheated on Amber with Kim and that Amber subsequently called Kim foul names on social media and various interviews. Vh1 reports: “Drake made the terrible mistake of inviting both Kanye West and Amber Rose. Amber hasn’t been too nice toward Yeezus’ current bae Kim Kardashian, even calling her a “whore” at one point.” Sources told VH1’s The Gossip Table as well that no one told Kanye that Amber was on her way to the party, and he’s pretty ticked off about it. ’Ye’s especially POed at Drake for not giving him the heads up.

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